Dark Daylight

Dark Daylight

Darkness Settles

In The Light

Clouding Out

All Not Bright

To Live Today

We Are Compressed

Into A Box

There Is No Rest

The Backdrop Present

The Continuing Treaty

Always Ratified

Each Day Unyielding

The Chatter Box

The Constant Show

People Digest

Always Aglow

Our Reference Points

Are Colored And Shaped

The Time On Clock

Determines Our State

No Room For God

We Are Now Becoming

Fed Monsters 

Spewing Overflowing

We Are What We Eat

What Has Us Mastered

Believing Now Self

The Food Matters

Shame Deployed

Tragedy Strikes

Curse Shown

To Give Us Life

We Need Help

A Divine Savior

To Redeem Forever

The Darkness Assuages

Taking Time

A Scheduling Quirk

Devote Your Time

With God’s Work

Believe And Be Saved

The Only Requirement

We Are Comforted

Forever Enlightened

Born Again

Above Darkness of Light

Take Cover

Finding The Good Night

rKw Jr 18.02.22

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