Danger! Danger!

Danger! Danger!

Careful! Don’t Fall!

We Watch Our Children

But Let Them Enter

Lying Library Dens

The Books Tendered

Compulsory To Show

Agenda Myopic

Just Confuse And Grow

Every Moment 

Wasted On Debauchery

Plants Seeds

Forever In Memory

The Child Growing

Yearning To Learn

Open To Wisdom

But Only Suborned

We Trust Academics

The Administrators Slate

But Do We Read Along?

Anything Yet Great?

Away From The Classics

Enter In The Agenda

Playing To The Crowd

The School Room Pretender

Socially Engineer

Sway Away

From Common Sense

And The Bible Ways

It’s Rather Ironic

To Dismiss The Bible

Then Affix The Curriculum

By Playing Man – God

Tolerance Named

Yet Only A Friend

Of Anti-Christianity

The Devil Instead

Evolution Taught

As It Was Fact

Yet Not Even A Theory

It Falls Short of That

Replacing God

Despite The Good News

Of Freedom From Hell

After Our Moody Blues

rKw Jr 013.11.22

Robert Kelly

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