Crossing With A Tee

Crossing With A Tee

The best of times

come at us slow,

The idea of life

is to find a glow.

Discovering, learning

the friends of growth.

We bob and weave

through the rain and snow.

Good weather comes

does it last?

Yes in season

enjoy it’s jazz

Eternal life expedient

all things being equal.

The sun sets on us,

the years are evil

If the days are so,

then the years do know.

How blind we are

to God and his Show.

A moment to assent

being born again,

is immediate, immortal

a surety plan

The Cross Fit To a T

added to Immorality

Demolishes Evil


rKw Jr 012.04.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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