Crack The Window

Crack The Window

The Windows Ajar

But Curtain Drawn

Continue To Appear

The Light Not Gone

Yet We Get Busy

We Jump At Life

We Never Indulge

The Bible Just Hype

Do We Take A Moment

No We Cannot Afford

Too Busy Pleasing

Our Spousal Discord

Decision’s Made

Priority Decided

Life Junction

Vortex Flying

Don’t Look Back

Dont Reconsider

Do Not Allow

The Bible A Window

Heed The Scare

Agree A Dare

Find Something

Anything But Share

Share Not His Love

Share Not His Care

Live Your Life Lost

Without No Bible There

No Good News

No Good Freedom

No Victory

No Eternal Kingdom

Busy A Virtue

But Without Knowledge

The People Perish

Without A Vestige

Gone A Vapor

Gone A Mist

We Are Just Dust

Redemption List

Salvation Free

Just Believe

The Bible Declares

You Are Indeed

Read – Investigate

Consult – Consider

Here From God

The Window – A Winner

rKw Jr 028.11.22

Robert Kelly b. 1965

A Christian Poet

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