Counting Your Gifts

Counting Your Gifts

The Forgotten 

So Lost

We Keep Searching

But Frost

So Cold We Are

We Forget To See

The Gifts Of Life


A Gift Is First

Just An Improbability

To Be Alive And Live

All In Gracious Maternity

Born! We Exist!

An Astounding State!

Yet We Persist

In Ignoring Our Slate!

Countless the Gifts!

But Do Count!

Remember Your Creator

And Your Fun!

Childhood Wonder

The Years Stand Long

Casting Light

And Shadow Strong

Innocence of Age

Long Forgotten

Forgiveness Age

Graciously Given

Eternity Present

The Life A Gift

Eternal Life Forever

Depression’s Big Lift

So Stay Connected

Or Get In Touch

Find Spiritual Life

In God We Trust

rKw Jr 011.11.22

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