Convicted Yet Free

Convicted Yet Free
Photo by Ben Mack on

Guilty Your Honor

That Is My Plea

When You State The Truth

I Cannot Hide From Thee

Its Best To Admit

To Authority Today

He May Be Lenient

And You Can Walk Away

We Break One Law

We Are Criminals

We Think Of Breaking God’s Law

We Are Guilty Sinners 

Don’t Even Think About It

Its Hard To Ignore

We Are Fallen

And Let Loose Once More

Sin Isn’t Just What We Do

Sin Is What We Think

The Standard For Heaven 

Is Perfection Or Stink

We Are Thereby Guilty

We Stand Condemned

God Is A Good Judge

And Must Judge Sin

A Good Judge Is Fair

A Good Judge Is Wise

A Good Judge Must Treat

Everyone Just Right

There Are Degrees Of Sin

But One Standard Of Holiness

Perfection Is Demanded

The Law Is Glorious

Only One Person Lived

A 10 On The Beams

Of Life’s Balancing Act

Jesus Never Fell In Between

He Satisfied The Judge

Who Knew The Perfect Score

He Open Heaven Because

There Is Sin No More

For Christ Died For Sinners

He Fulfilled The Burdensome Law

He Did It With Joy

Enduring The Cross For Us All

So He Can Declare

Anyone Righteous

By His Terms, His Tears

He Did So In Spite Of Us

He Knew We Are Helpless

He Knows We Are Lost

We Cannot Be Perfect

Without Help We Bust

We Needed Someone 

To Do The Work For Us

Then Turn Around 

And Help Us To Trust

He Gave Us Faith

It Is By Grace

Christianity Still 

The Only Non Works State

We Are Under Grace

Covered Front And Back

No Religion At All

A Relationship In Fact

Believe And Be Saved

How Can We Ignore?

How Can We Turn Down?

This Wonderful Renoir

Calming The Storming Seas

Christ Is Depicted

His Valor Not Stolen

Eternally Convicted

rKw Jr 26.04.21

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