Constitutional Independence

Constitutional Independence

The Diet Steady

Chosen Slayers

The Diction Ready

Declaration Prayers

Words Spun

All To A Cause

Disruptively Historic

Eternal Pause

Constitution Here

Our Minds Fed

The Body Steered

The Lives Led

Strong, Mighty

Blessing Of The Kind

Creator Acknowledged

Document Fine

Lasting Longer

Than Any Other Present

A People’s Republic

Written Intentions

Individual Honored

God Endowed

His Will Done

If We Followed

A National Existence

Subject To Judgement

In This Life Soon

Heed The Abutment

Holding Us Up

Lord Of All

God Bless America

Rings So Tall

Judged In Next Life

Man Will Discover

Yet Safe In Faith

His Up And Under

Weak We Are

So It Goes

Salvation Today

Forever It Snows

Our Sin Absolved

By Body And Blood

Imputed Righteous

We Are Covered

A Weakened Constitution

Our Bodies Corrupted

Filled With Acid

The Weather Interrupted

Building A Life

With Good And Truth

Leads A Man

To Greater Stoops

Understanding Essential

Wisdom Gained

Without It We Remain

Lost In The Pain

Rest For Soul

Eternity Now

Apocolypse Coming

The Life Has Bowed

Bowing To A God

The Savior Still Present

An Idol One Serves

Less Finding His Presence

Cycle and Circling

We Create An Image

To Live And Adore

We Think We Are Winning

All Experience Stored

Some Knowledge Found

Everything Counted

For Our New Ground

Recognize The Truth

Coming Back To Resolve

Rethink Jesus

Believing All of All

Set For Life

A Solid Constitution

Enduring Strife

A Living Institution

rKw Jr 03.07.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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