Combating All Blues

Combating All Blues

A Secret Weapon

Of The Secret Agent

The Stolen Soul Saved

Satan’s Grasping

Time Is Short

He Has Lost

Steal Kill Destroy

The Empty Plot

Always Distract

It’s To Entertain

Feign and Confuse

Daze The Gain

Smear The Bible

Say What It’s Not

Twist All To Think

Heaven Is A Krock

Make All Distrust

The News Bad

But Reconsider

Good Means Glad

You Need A Shield

To Fight The Days

A Way To Cope

His Power To Praise

Inhabiting Our Own

The Praise We Give

He Says He Is There

To All Who Praise Him

Give Thanks Always

A Cathartic Exercise

Give Thanks To All

Each Item At Your Side

Perspective Shifts

God Is Nearby

His Presence Felt

The Spiritual High