Clue For One

anonymous person with binoculars looking through stacked books
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

If There Really Is One

Knowledge So Convenient 

A Clue Would Help 

Our Life Time Achievements

For In Life We Strive

We Hope For Great Success

We Hope For Some Recognition

Surely I’m Not A Waste Of Flesh

Is It Possible To Know?

From Secular Advice

Steering You From Facts

Keeping God On Ice

But God Cannot Be Silent

His Creation Every Day

Speaks Of His Existence

In Billions And Billions Of Ways

The Anthropic Principle

Has Ushered Man Along

Creation Must Have Been

God’s Breath in Lungs

Fine Tuned Perfectly

If Just A Hair Off

We Would Melt Or Freeze

The Planet’s Design – God’s

The Earth So Situated

It Can See It’s Milky Way

Its Own Galaxy

Privileged To Convey

For There Really Is One

And Yet We Can Acknowledge

We Can Even Know

A God Up Close – Foreknowledged

For God Knew Who Were His

Before The Creation of World

He Also Slained His Son

God in Flesh The Cure

So Don’t Stay Far Apart

Do Not Fail To See

God Is In The Details

Plainly Knowable For Free

For The Best in Life 

Doesn’t Come With A Cost

The First Birth – No Cent

The Second Birth – A Spirit Toss

Freed For Free

The Wrath Negated

Cancelled By Him

Gratefully Taken

For How Could We Stand?

How Could We Enter?

We Are Not Perfect

Heaven No Pretender

A True Sacrifice Needed

One of God Himself

Reconciles Our Falleness

Jesus Christ Our Help

The Savior And Friend

A God Who Did The Extra

Went The Distance In Pain

Slaughtered For Ever

But Rise He Did

Thereby We Can Too

Just Believe and Live

Forever With A Clue

rKw Jr 12.05.21

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