Clockwork Safe

Clockwork Safe

It’s Time

To Admit

To Realize

We Are Not It

We Need Help

A Savior

Someone Now

In Our Favor

To Meet Us Where

We Are Today

Not Perfect

In Anyway

Seeing Us Suffering

Seeing Us Drowning

In Our World

Lost But Now Found

A Way Out

A Simple Yes

Acknowledgment Happens

Jesus Is The Best

He Did It All

He Provided

He Created

He Divided

Night Into Day

The Evil And Good

He Stood Alone

For The Neighborhood

Blood Poured Out

Though So Innocent

The Best For Us

We Are So Reticent

Blind To See

Dumb To Hear

Though We Speak Nonstop

In Volumes, In Tears

The Time Is Now

To See The Obvious

God Redeems

Us All For The Glorious

For His Glory

We Are Glorified

For The Future

We Are Satisfied

Can’t Get Any


Read The Good News

We Are Retracted

Taken From The World

It Is So Doomed

Ruled By Satan

Hell Bent Tomb

Comfort Another

With These Words

The Trial To Come

Kept Safe – Removed!

A Comforting Truth

To Wear On Sleeve

Show the World 

We Are Relieved

Fire! The End

After Jesus Reign

A Thousand Years Coming

The Eternity Gained

rKw Jr 23.12.21

Robert William Kelly

Christian Poet

b 1965 – born again 1993

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