Check The Blues

Check The Blues

The Cure 

The Remedy

The Instant

Black Comedy





How Do We Go On ?

The Badges Worn

The Battered Mind

The Love Forlorn

The Cost of It

Too Much Too Bear

Life Is Grinding

Us To Nowhere

Faith Explodes

The Mind Blown

God Himself

Crossbeam Strewn

The Mercy Shown

The Love Motive

The Story Hope

The Moments Eternal

Each Moment

Redeeming Value

All Counts

In God’s Battle

His To Avenge

Vengeance Is Mine

He Will Come

Victory In Mind

His Last Words

I Will Come Again

So Take Solace

In Your Best Friend

He Is Only One

Who Knows Your Story

Who Is On You Side

If Not All Glory

He Understands You

Knows You So Well

Loves You Forever

So We Can Now Jell

See God Is There

Walking With You

Eternity Is Here

Each Moment True

We Live Forever

No More Pointlessness

Even if Day Lusters

It Registers A Rest

Rest From Your Work

See What He Did

Achieved For Us

Now Forever Live !

rKw Jr 10.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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