Chauncey Holt’s Rocket

Chauncey Holt’s Rocket
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Chauncey Holt

The Exquisite Operator

No Contractor

Upstaged His Theatre

The Old Kentucky Home

Carried Him Far

Moonshine To CIA

His Life Without Par

Desired To Help

The War Cause

Rejected By The Arms

The Shipyard Called

Baltimore Soon Discovered

A Man With Talents

Fast With Numbers

Cy And Lansky Regents

Proved Reliable

Smart And Trustworthy

Chauncey Sky Rocketed

A Mob So Thirsty

Accounting The Books

Booking The Numbers

Handling All Finances

For Lansky Did Wonders

Bugsy Skimmed

Defrauded And Owed

Off To Las Vegas 

Chauncey Lansky Showed

The Star Of Vegas

His Eyes Bulging

Bugsy Denied

Death Wish Nudging

CIA Vendor

Creating Documents

Lent From Counterfeiting

Skill And Acumen


Never Set Foot

In Cambridge Nor Harvard

The Plot Now Afoot

Hardly A License 

To Fly All Around

Alias Abundant

Chopper Instructor Frowns

Terminal Island

Running The Bills

Setting Up Shops

Cashing In The Mils

Stock Scheming Banks

Execs In Debt

Horse Racing Woes

Chauncey Wins Bet

Art Gallery Dealer

Insurance Company Ruse

Get Back Even

The Skinny Guy’s Blues

Big Honcho Neglects

His Payment Overdue

Snake In Car Awakens

Payment Comes Through

Dealey Plaza

He Was Plan B

A Tramp Let Go

The Catching of Lee

Chauncey Believes

Lee Never Shot

He Is Innocent

This Says A Lot

Political Intelligence

An Agent Provocateur

Central South America

America The Shores

All Lawyers At Heart

Are Desperately Evil

Judges Are Lawyers

Chauncey Top Steeple

Wisdom Applied

Character Trusted

Temperament Unparalleled

Personality Unclustered

A Scoundrel Self Described

Yet Beyond It’s Clear

Chauncey Holt Humanity

To Eternity Endears

rKw Jr 23.06.23

Robert William Kelly

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