Catastrophe Averted

Catastrophe Averted

The Glaring Item

The Most Obvious

The One We Ignore

Yet Still Comes To Us

The News Is Good

It’s What Is Needed

We Are In Trouble

The World Is Needy

Yet Spirits Lie

They Are Possessive

They Take And Reside

The Mind’s Obsession

Ignorance Amiss

We Don’t See The Loss

We Don’t Count The Days

Death Has Its Cost

We Are Vulnerable

At Any Moment Spun

An Accident or Not

Death Has Begun

The Body Fades

The Joints Weaken

Disease Sets And Stays

Life and Death Speaking

The Days Shorten

The Years Shrink

The Mind Fooled

Living As King

We Are A Mist

Our Lives A Vapor

Dust In The Wind

Emergency Now And Later

We Can Escape

Sealed Forever

Birthed Spiritually

Straight To Heaven

He Did It All

He Is The Great Pearl

What A Price

He Paid For All

Don’t Wait A Second

See His Majesty

Declared In Your Life

Avoiding Catastrophe

rKw Jr 19.08.21

Headshot 2014
Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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