Casted Into The Net

Copyright: kreetha

The Whole World

Under The Spell

The Minds Swayed

Welcome To Hell

The Blinded Mind

The Unbelievers Prison

Finding Hope 

Each Day Derision

The Hopes Dashed

Yet Springing Temporal

The Names Clash

Clutching Eternal

What Does Last

What Is Hope

Finding Truth

About To Croak

Mighty A Moment

Salvation Today

Each Second Eternal

The Ultimate Fray

In The Valley

The Decision Here

Todays Eternal

Read Or Hear

The Word Is Life

The Message Good

What We Cannot Do

God Did Get You

Saints Saved

Sinners Yet Righteous

Heaven Found

The Haze Now Focused

rKw Jr 25.02.23

Robert Kelly Born 1965 A Christian Poet born again 8-6-1993

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