Blood And Love

Blood and Love A Poem Written in Late March 2021 Inspiration was sudden as usual – Title Came at end as usual. Ending I think is neat. Hits on true feelings of despair and pain over memories.

Review Your Life

It’s Been Nice

But Some Events –

We Don’t Like

Memories Collide

They Clash And Crater

The Ones So Painful

Still Hurt Later

We Tend To Forget

Those Embarrassing Doldrums

So We Turn Quick –

Wincing Over Open Albums

The Memories Collect

They Hover Inside

They Feast On Our Neglect

From Shaken Unlearned Minds

But We Need To Recall

Though We May Disagree

Real Love Is What’s All

It’s Elusive, We See

We Hear God Is Love

But We Think That Is Silly

How Could God Himself 

Be Love With Pity ?

But The Bible Reveals 

A God Who Does Care

His Love Is So Great

On The Cross He Dared

None Greater – Don’t Ignore 

Only God Could Manage

To Show His Love’s Core

In Blood With No Bandage

rKw Jr 22.03.21