Blind Checkers

Blind Checkers

The Grandmaster Comes

The Focus His

The Game Commences

The Audience Wins

The Earth His Board

The Pieces His Charge

The Strategy Lines

Confer The Start

Time Short

Blitz Hastens

Victory Assured

The Loser Wakens

The Age Here

It’s Sudden And Fast

The Master Wins

The Combat Blast

One Word

One Breath

His Opponent Doomed

The End At Last

Check Mate

Playing Checkers

Chess A Game

Life Is A Wrecker

Left At End

Alone And Dead

Resigned To Fate

Match Forfeited

Fishing Above

A Twinkle Of An Eye

Our Hope Today

Avoiding All Lies

Games We Play

The End Times Near

We Miss The Signs

The Discoveries Real

Pinned By Powers

Unable To Move

Down A Piece

Position Reviewed

Heaven Help!

Resignation Death

The Plight Closes

Who Gives Breath?

Send Me

I Will Open

Scrolls And Avenge

The Enemy’s Token

Swirling About

Confusing – Hiding

The Good News

All Who Abiding

Born Again!

The Game Over

Sealed By The Spirit

A Race Of Checkers

rKw Jr 30.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

Christian poet

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