Blanket Statement

Blanket Statement

Take A Shower

Get Clean

Grab A Towel

You Are Pristine

Bible Prophecy

Is It Heard ?

A Wet Blanket

Do Not Disturb

The Gospel Message

Distorted and Changed

Let’s Face It

Paul Would Be Shamed

Never Prophecy

Yet Paul Spoke

Even to New Believers

Never Once A Joke

The Water Washes

The Word Cleans

The Living Water

The Spirit’s Machine

It Excites Us Quickly

When Prophecy Included

Amazing God Shows

His Word Is Concluded

From The Last To The First

The Alpha and Omega

He Tells What Comes To

We Bow To The Maker

Now We Respect

The Bible At Last

We Peek Even Deeper

We Are Everlast

Salvation is Free

Condition Faith

Rapture Coming Soon

Evangelistically Grace

rKw Jr 11.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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