Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Objection Raised

The Bible Is Circular

And Even Furthermore

A Salvation Peculiar

Salvation Impossible

Ten Commandments Weigh

Heavy The Burden

Impossible To Obey

Dismissing Accordingly

On These Grounds

No Time For Nonsense

We Need To Move On

Yet Return, Reconsider

Let’s Restate The Case

First Of All It’s Good News

And We Are Never Too Late

Beware of The Slander

Framing The Debate

Read Between The Lines

Before It’s Too Late

It Strikes Preemptively

Before A Fair Trial

Blinding Us Forever

To God All The While

Circularly One Stabs

Yet Alexander Destroyed

Translating The Old Testament

Into Greek Now Deployed

A Benchmark In Time

Objectively Shown

Giving Proof 

To Prophecies Grown

Egypt Out Of

Bethlehem He Hailed

Galilee The Place

Nazarene He Dared

Only One Man

Came From All Four

His Name Is Jesus

He Lives Forevermore

The Raven 

The Crow

The Birds Of Air

All Must Know

Grace Conquers

The Ten Commandments Show

Our Need Of Him

Let’s Pray, Then Grow

rKw Jr 01.01.22

Robert William Kelly

A Christian Poet

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