Believing: The Only Repentance

Believing: The Only Repentance
Copyright: 3dsculptor

The Time To Set

The Goals Pursued

With Hope Attached

All For A View

To See One Self

Happy At Last

The Trappings Come

The Glory Blast

The Race Essential

But the Road Bends

The Signs Posted

The World Ends

Sudden Death

Even When Old

The Plans Went

The Life Folds

Purpose Vanished

The Soul Lingers

The Self Wonders

Did My Life Mingle?

Illegitimate Contest

The Running Fast

Neglecting The Way

The Hope Surpassed

A Moment In Time

An Acknowledgement

Rethinking A Journey

Resetting The Word Repent

Abusively Tossed

All Around Enough

Meaning Changed

To Imprison With Doubt

Salvation Breaks Forth

Jail Bird Free

All Come To Know

Repentance – Just Believe

rKw Jr 28.11.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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