Be Prepared For Instant Love

Be Prepared For Instant Love

Steal, Kill, And Destroy

Our Enemy Vows

Hating Your Freedom

Distilling How

Drunk With Lust

The Madman Prowls

He Wants To Take

Every Soul Devoured

He Is Condemned

god” Of This Age

All Under His Sway

Deceived To Stay

A Miracle Needed

His Power Consumes

Plays On Our Weakness

Whatever Costume

Love Of Others

He Pushes, Prods

Needs Appreciation

Come For A Nod

Twist And Contort

Your Every Being

Creating In You A Monster

About Selfish Need

Hope Is Not

In Chasing The Beast

He Will Leave Empty

Everyone Naked Feet

See It Exposed

The Pleasure Of Satan

Will Never Satisfy

Your Love Degraded

Love Is God

Fruit of His Journey

Accompanying You

Along For An Eternity

Tap Into Him

Become Born Again

The Spirit Heaven

All Now Within

In An Instant

Now Saved

We Are Filled

Eyes Brave

Instant Death

Insurance Paid

Now Protected

Premium Waved

Instant Rapture

A Love Vacation

The Permanent One

His Glorious Nation

rKw Jr 18.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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