Banned On The Run

Banned On The Run

The Word Is God

Perfect And Clear

Speaks To Humanity

Our Life’s Fears

Yet We Ignore

Reinvent The Wheel

Spend All Taxes

Paying Severe

The Bible Spells Out 

In Full Descriptions

Humanities Wants

Antiquities Precision

How Can A Book

Speak So Loud

Be So Accurate

But Banned Anyhow?

The Thinking Today

It Ignores Truth

Replaces It In Schools

With Books Reproof

Themes Of Race

Of Harm, Of Mental Illness

Appropriately Showcased

Fashioned Goodness

Jesus Ended Curses

And Solved All Racism

He Showed The World

Everyone Is Related

We All Come From One

A Woman Called Eve

Adam The First Man

To Be Abraham’s Seed

We Can Be

Children of The Promise

The Moment We Believe

Salvation Is Won

Simple Act Of Faith

Granted By Reading

The Words Of Life

Never Receding

Still Suppressed

The Word Goes Forth

Heard From The Bible

Salvation Is Birthed

People Are Being Saved

Despite The Depressions

Glory To God Today

Overcoming Oppression

The Devil Is The Spinner

Of This Fallen Age

Yet Already Lost

He Tries To Dismay

He Keeps The Bible

Away From The Youth

They Never Hear

Eternity Is True

The Focus Becomes 

This Life Only 

Billions Are Stunned

Satan’s False Glory

Spiritually Blind

Thinking Blank Thoughts 

Instead Of Learning

God’s Plan Lost

Recover Today

Pick Up The Bible

Find Freedom 

And Surrender Your Title

The Book of Your Life

The Salvation Moment

The Twinkle Of An Eye

Eternity Is Fullfilment

rKw Jr  19.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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