Author of Christian Poems. I declared myself as a poet on December 12,2020. To date number of poems written: 250 as of September 2021.
Born: 1965 October 15
Birthplace: Boston MA Back Bay via St. E's
Poetic Methods: I try to use poetic devices and poems themselves to reach the world.
Themes: Joy, Life, God, Salvation, Heaven, Suffering, Victory, and more.
I find it difficult to reach the world but poems bring many elements to the fore. One may pick subject, draw on inspiration.
Edge: As I Age, My Values have become clearer and my observations are now fodder for poems. Seems like a geyser long brewing at this moment in time 2021.
"All Your Experiences Count"
My Inspirations and influences:
The Bible: first and foremost.
Emily Dickinson: The only true poet ! I cannot even read another.
Daily Life -
My Mind -
Friends -
Family -
Coworkers -
Customers -
Acquaintences -
Strangers -
People Watchin'
The Poetic Edge:
Poetry is multifaceted. It gives poet opportunity for poetic license to any subject he would otherwise not be able to approach. A poem is eternal. Writing is better than video as a result. A poem is also more digestible to audience than a video or a long story or book. The only constraints are application and inspiration. The Bible is endless - so is life. We are teetering and the time is at hand to write with your hand.
Content control is key -
English language is phenomenally versatile.
Experience of the years I live have counted for something - I feel this is important to note. I am in my mid 50's.
I have been a Christian for 27 years - most of my adult life.
I feel everyone has unique perspective from living daily life.
We should use our experiences to help others with understanding God and the Gospel and the Bible.
Morals ,Ethics, Conduct and Values are most important to life.
I ask for forgiveness for anyone I may have hurt in past.
I don't drink, smoke etc.
I am a sinner I will admit to that charge ! I do deserved Hell but God saved me ! An Angel saved me once too - look for that coming upcoming...
Bible quotes "as a man thinks in his heart so he is"
"lead me, guide me"
"not my will, by thy will be done"
"remember your creator"
"the work of God is this believe in the one he has sent"
"everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved"
"it is for freedom that Christ has set us free"
"all have sinned and fallen short"
"the wages of sin are death but the gift of God is eternal life"
"come to me all who are weary and i will give you rest, take my yoke upon me, my yoke is easy and my burden light"
"you must be born again"
"in a flash in a twinkle of an eye we will all change"
The best thing about life is overcoming your mistakes and past houses of horrors or skeletons in closet. This comes from renewing your mind by seeing what is worshipped on earth on such a daily basis does not satisfy at all
We are slapped with lies about the rapture, told that it cannot be true but to me its most consistent position and provides hope and purity, why is it the only end time position that is attacked with such hatred?