Art From Prison

Art From Prison

The Artist Creates

It’s In His Blood

It’s How He Avoids

The Clouds And Crud

Life Crouches

The Sides Close In

One Little Step

The World No Friend

All Seems Lost

The Window Closed

The Despair Left

Cascading Throes

The Spiral Down

Ends In Dismay

Decisions Made

DNA – Ixnayed

To Be – Is Harsh

To Be Not – Is Lost

The Only Chance Left

Endure, Grind and Toss

The DNA Marker

Shows The Creator

The DNA Maker

Our Only Signator

He Restores

He Redeems

He Forgives

Even Your Evil Dreams

We Are Fallen

Even Under Grace

Believing In Him

We Still Make Mistakes

We Still Suffer

We Still Sin

We Still Get Depressed

But We Win

Faith In Him

The One Who Was Perfect

Only Reason

To Save Us – The Verdict !

The Judge Has Spoken

He Paid The Price

Paid Our Penalty

Shock Absorbed – Our Christ !

We Live Forever

Doesn’t Seem Fair

But Who Wants To Die

And Never Live In Air

Rapture The Rescue

For God Will Send

Like For Elijah and Enoch

The Ride for Sheep Ends

This Time of Great Peril

Led By Evil Fakers

Captive In Prison

Escaping The Taker

Working Overtime

His Time Is Short

Fooling the World

Ignoring God’s Word

The Word Says Freedom

Is Why You Are Saved

Freedom From Slavery

The Devil’s Big Play

Instant Life Given

Eternity Beckons

For Those Who Believe

God Is Still Saving.

rKw Jr 19.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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