Anyone Can

Anyone Can
Photo by Seyiram Kweku

Brothers ‘n Sisters

We Are Family

Together Forever

Glorified To Be

Saved By The Message

Justified By Faith

Astonishingly Simple

Why Did We Wait ?

The Clouds Thickened

It Seem So Dark

Hope Became Hopeless

A Vanishing Spark

But At The Points

We Seem To Edge On

Our Lives Twisting

All Seems Foregone

Only Then Consider

We Notice Our Need

First Time Discover

Our Lives Bleed

We See Who We Are

We Reconsider God

Jesus Our Remedy

Opened Eyes And Heart

Born Again By Spirit

Filling My Empty Soul

God Now Comes

My Temple Abodes

The Church Now Waits

For The Second Appearing

The Anticipation Great

The Rapture Nearing

Harpazo in Greek

Rapturo in Latin

The History Not Bleek

Latin School Back Stabbing

Why Didn’t We Study

The Gospel Not Virgil

Aeneid is Dead

The Bible Still Whistles

Attention Attention

Blowing So Long

Today Is The Day 

Salvation Belongs

Why Steal It From Us?

We Need To Know

Deaf, Dumb And Stupid

Hidden Road Of Gold

The Yellow Brick Road

Is Better In Heaven

It’s The Streets of Gold

All Get There If Brethren

We Are Dulled

Hurt In Past

Faith A Gift

Believe At Last

rKw Jr 17.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b. 1965

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