Angling Jesus

Angling Jesus
Photo by cottonbro

We Talk As Christians

The Words Come Out

We Meet People

The Gospel We Doubt

Afraid To Speak 

The Persecution Near

We Don’t Want To Lose

Friends To A Tear

Yet Pain They Will Face

Tears They Will Cry

As Well As The Obvious

So Will You And I

We Will Be Sorry

For Not Speaking Up

Not Angling Conversation

To God’s Own Son

We Work The Flow

The Conversational Joy

Yet When It Ends

A Wasted Envoy

We Could Have

We Should Have

We Would Have

But Fear Scared

Yet God Forgives Us

His Will Is Done

Despite Our Inabilites

Sinfulness On The Run

We Glory In Self

We Glory In Stories

We Glory In All

Except Jesus Glory

Glory In Glory

We Should Do

The Spirit Overides

What The Flesh Miscues

Fishers Of Men

Angling The Angle

Catching To Safety

Souls Finangled

Talk Is Cheap

Yet There Is A Message

It Is Free

So Angle Your Guessing

Bring It To The Cross

The Word Is Life

“I Will Crush Intelligence

Of The Intelligent”  Delight

God Is The Answer 

What Is The Question?

All Conversation

Will Bow To His Session

He Will Appear

All Will Say

The Conversation Of Eternity

“Jesus Is Lord”  Come Play

His Reel Is His Word

We Are On The Hook

Bated To Die

No! The Fisherman’s Book

The Bible Is Love

God Is An Angler

Casting His Rod

Through Us His Slayers

More Than Conquerors

The Book of Romans Declares

We – The Meek And Poor

But Eternity On Retainer

Jesus Paid The Way

We Are Now His

Redeemed And Love

How Fulfilling Life Is

rKw Jr 02.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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