An Uncovered Nugget

An Uncovered Nugget

A Blessing In Disguise

Always A Wonder

How Can That Be

With Life Asunder?

Reading The Word

It Makes Many Claims

The Book Of Revelation

A Special Blessing In Name

The Only Book

Declaring At The Top

You Will Be Blessed

If You Read It Alot

Descriptions Symbols

Scare And Fright

Destruction Imminent

Why Bother To Cite?

Many Reformers 

Would Never Bother

To Read And Interpret

The Book of Thunder

Angels Destroying

Bowls Unleashed

Trumpets Sounding

The Death So Deep

What Blessing Here?

The Churches Warned

The Hope Hopeless

How Can We Learn?

The Church of Laodicea

Paul Worried For Much

Telling Colossians 

To Share Letter At Once

John’s Warning To Them

Never Seem Encouraging

Yet In The Words

Are Golden Restoring

Don’t Clothe Yourself

In Your Good Deeds

Naked, Pitiful, Useless

White Robes Pristine

Covering Your Shame

Your Inability

Failures In Life

Memories Burning

Identity Reformed

Purpose Understood

The Pages Here

In Awe For Good

rKw Jr 04.09.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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