Saturday’s Poem: Amore, The Better Eden

lighted brooklyn bridge during nighttime
Photo by Kai Pilger on

Do We Get What We Want ?

Do We Get What We Need ?

A Cursed World – It’s Inevitable

We Are Deprived Of Pleads

We Look At The Injustices

How We Have Been Slighted

White – Black -Jew – Arab

We Have All Been Misguided

Directly Lied To At Times

Overlooked For Good Things

Making Mistakes Doesn’t Help

We Deal With What Life Brings

It’s A Result Of The Fall

Mankind Is Out Of Eden

We Never Think Much About It

But It’s Really The Whole Reason

We Are Mocked At Times

Overlooked At Others

Dealing With The Debris

What The Earth Has Offered

We Are Daily Conditioned 

To See the World As A Prize

To Fight Tooth and Nail

Cheat, Steal and Lie

Toys At The End

Enjoyed Along the Way

Don’t Satisfy 

Leave Us To Pay

We Have A Debt 

With God It Is Real

We Need To Forget

Earth and This Ordeal

Heaven Beckons

It Is The Better Eden

We All Are Under Wrath

But Jesus Is Pleading

Be Reconciled To The I Am

I Am The Truth” – Right !

I Am The Way” – “Life

“I Am Your Resurrection Flight

“Believe In Me and Live

Gifted Eternity Hurray !

Even Here, Eden Now

You Can Be Free – I Pay

No Money is Needed

No Payment is Due

For Jesus Lived and Died

Eden’s Eternity – For You

All Our Desires – Here

The Lusts Of The Flesh

The Trampling Of Neighbors

Forgotten In Heaven’s Nest

A Place For You – Built

Jesus Is Preparing

To Bring You to Him

The Rapture Is Nearing

Streets of Gold – Present

A Body Like His Is Yours

All For Saying Yes In Faith

To The Host of Hosts – Amore.

rKw Jr 10.04.21

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