America’s Wooden Idol

America’s Wooden Idol

Ishmael So Called

Himself The Boast

Moby Dick

Melville’s Toast

Queequeg Questions

To Marry The Man

We Don’t Blind An Eye

Nod To The Plan

Bow And Worship

The Wooden Idol

God Wont Care

Ishmael Full Throttle

Hosea The Prophet

Specifically Warned

A Message From God

Wooden Figure Adjourn

A Woody For Man

In A Room Sleeping

A Strange Man Now Friend

Quequeg Proposes Marrying

To Stunt A Suggestion

A Trait Back To The Future

Say It’s a Mistake

The Damage Is Not Muted

Part of the Game

To Sear The Conscience

To Distill Public Opinion

Shock Wave Essence

Where Is The Pastor?

He Ignores Dick And Moby

The Young Sheep Sheared

Born Again Nobody