All Races Bound

All Races Bound
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Mercy Begets Mercy

Grace Begets Grace

Faith Begets Faith

Race Begets Race

God Doesn’t See

The Color Of The Soul

He Loves The World

His Son For All

To Make It Easy

To Make It Free

To Make It Assurable

To Make You See

It’s Called Good

We Wheel And Deal

Ignoring God Sacrificed

The Cross On Blue Hill

Extended To Us

Body And Life

We Try To Find

Another Way To Fly

Heaven Is Open 

Doors Are Sprung

Seal Was Opened

Jesus – The One

“I Am Here

“I Am Ready

“I Will Go

In A Body

Spilled His Blood

Paid The Price

So You Could Enter

His Sacrifice

Mercy Of God

Saints So Thankful

For We Are Fallen

Our Nature – Rankled

We Are The Lost

We Are The Cursed

The Wrath Of God Upon

It Couldn’t Get Any Worse

Yet God Provided

A Way – Sublime

The Lamb Slain – Before

The Earth Was Defined

Mercy And Grace

They Are Related

By Grace We Are Saved

Gracious Mercy Stated

Faith And Grace

The Moment Of Belief

Believe On The Beliefs

The Key To The Streets

The Streets Of Gold

We Will Walk Along

In Heaven All New

Forever We Belong

God Loves Races

Creative – Diversity

But the Soul Is Empty

Simple Complicity

All Races

Lost And Bound

All Races

Lost and Found

rKw Jr 22.04.21

Poet Robert Kelly b 1965 –

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