All Over

All Over

We Have All Day

Time Is Eternal

But Time Is Shorter

For Those Mortal

Each Day Springs

As Hope The Same

We Get Up Go

Work All Day

We Shape Our Minds

To The Right Culture

The One That Rewards

Our Pocketbooks Under

We Need A Break

And All Things Work

Be Grateful For Trials

Allowing One To Thirst

To See That Work

Can Come At A Price

If The Soul Sold

What Good Is It’s Heist

Why Should We Sell

Our Lives For A Penny

After Dime Dancing

Our Minds Become Empty

Develop The Soul

Don’t Sell It Out

Find God First

Then Work And Shout

Praise God

For Establishing Our Hands

Finding Something To Do

The Greatest of The Grand

Fill Your Day

Don’t Give An Inch

Don’t Let The Seductive

Swarming Sounds Bewitch

The Music Perks

The Feet Tap

The Spirit Moves

The Mind Detached

Our Souls Swindled

Lost In The Pendulum

Swinging To Sleep

The Rest Is Tedium

Boring Life

Without Finding God

Without Soaring Above

Eternally Over All

rKw Jr 13.12.21

b 1965

A Christian Poet

Robert Kelly

Faith vs Religion

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