All In A Day

All In A Day
Copyright: dekdoyjaidee

Busy At Work

A Grand Endeavor

Time Absorbed

Hands So Rendered

Work A Blessing

We Do Run From It

But Each Day Allows

A Chance Better

Why Do We Look

At Eight Hours Only

A Day Is The Measure

The Earnings Journey

Work So Cursed

The Day Unfolds

Shaped And Touched

By Envious Glows

The Day The Evening

The Night Life

Family Friends

We Find New Likes

Work Reflected

The Image Sent

Time Consumed

The Life To Rent

Spoken Days

Snapped Life

End Came

Never To Fight

Never To See

The Underlying Cues

God Is Here

He Paid Your Dues

Wages Death

Sin’s Debt

Adams Fall

Hooked Bet

We Are In Jeopardy

But Distractions Develop

Happily Hypnotized

Anesthetized By Blood

Spilled Once

Faith The Same

Believe To Get

The Name of Game

He Is The Prize

We Are The Bride

Ruling And Reigning

As The Time Rides

rKw Jr 07.06.23

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