All Christians Deserve Hell

All Christians Deserve Hell
Photo by Belle Co

The Life Is Ending

The World Is Passing

Spirit Moving

God Catching

Hell Reserved

For All Humanity

Minus All

Who Believe Divinity

God In The Flesh

The Resurrection

Not Just For Him

But Our Election

Chosen Before Time

Decreed Eternally

Despite Sinners

Justified Earnestly

His Work Finished

We Stand In Awe

Deserving Hell

Escaping The Fall

Man Is Fallen

He Is Not Perfect

Our Nature – Adam’s

On The Hook

We Deserve Hell

Wait A Moment

God Intervened

Died For Components

For We Are A Part

Of God’s Temple

Each One A Member

The Body’s Example

Risen As The Sun

Soars Through Morning

The Evening Comes

We Get A Warning

The Life Ends

The Time Is Up

Hell Or Heaven

Only Post Nup

All Sinners – Saints

In Heaven Today

Those Who Know

Jesus As The Way

The Savior

The Redeemer

Our Lord God

The Street Cleaner

Takes His Own

Right Off The Curb

Cleans The World

Fire To Disturb

rKw Jr 07.06.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2014
Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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