Alexander Proved Jesus Is God

sculpture of apollo in medical mask in purple light
Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on
marble bust of alexander great in town
Photo by Plato Terentev on

Alexander The Great Born 21 July 356 BC – Died 11 June 323 BC


The Work Is Done

He Said So

Finished – Won

God In Flesh

The Word Becomes

Victory In Death

He Rose – Then Comes! 

Once Upon A Time

No Fairy Tale

Proven By History

By The Greek Male?

Alexander The Great

Gave To Our History

A Benchmark In Time

Objectively Unknowingly

He Translated And Rode

Conquering Palestine

All Places He Translated

To His Language – In Kind

The Greek Septuagint

The Hebrew Scriptures

Gave Us Proof Now

Verifiable Pictures

A Messiah Predicted

Way Before Jesus Lived

Came About Somehow

In Four Places – You Kid?

Did Jesus As A Babe

Live And Fullfill?

If He Did Surely

The Messiah Is He Still

Galilee – Isaiah

Egypt – Hosea

Bethlehem – Micah

Nazarene – Isaiah

In The New Testament

The Old Is Fullfilled

Once Discovered

Faith Is A Thrill

We Have A Strong Plank

Now We Do Stand

God Rises Above

The Earth And Man

He Can Control Atoms –

All Things To His Wishes

The Bad Turned Into Good

As Genesis 50:20 Dishes

Creation Leaves Adams

Exposed Without Excuse

God Is Present Here

Why Do We Dispute?

Education That Denies

The Bible and God Is Real

Will Be Lost And Found

Students Have No Appeal

But There Is Plenty

Of Good Information

Proving The Resurrection

Simon Wrote The Dissertation

Greenleaf Was Harvard’s Leader

The Law School Founder

He Examined The Faith

Found It Veritably Sounder

Intellectual Assent

Can Lead to Faith

Or Faith Like A Child

Either Way – It’s Great

But We Are Bamboozled

Into Bad Thinking

Heaven Is Impossible

So We Keep Drinking

“Eat, Drink And Be Merry”

Actually Is A Scripture

It Exposes Our Mindset

This Gospel – A Torture 

Pain It Cost

God His Life

But Rose He Did

The Grave – Underwrite

Our InsuranceHim

He Paid For It All

He Is The Premium

The Grace Period is Now

The Gospel Is Free

It Is Good News

It Just Says Believe

And We Can Cruise

Freeway To Heaven

We Have A Place 

Jesus Is Now Preparing

Coming Again – So Haste!

God Is Showing

Love Is Greater Than Evil

Good Conquers Bad

We See His Good People

We Are Called Good

Amazing Though Fallen

Even Though We Sin

We Are Not Perfect, Darling

Grace Covers Us

We Are Saved By It

It Was Made In Heaven

So He Could See Fit

We Still Don’t Trust

Never A Free Lunch

Too Good To Be True

We Run From The Hunch

His Blood Satisfied 

God’s Wrath Absorbed

Sponge God – A Cushion

Now We Ignore 

This Is HowNow

God Can Forgive Sin

We Are On The Hook

Adam’s Nature – Cringe!

But God Doesn’t See

Our Sin Anymore

Jesus Satisfied For Us

The Wrath In Store

Although We All Sin

God Found A Way

To Credit Us As Righteous

Since We Could Not Pay

The Cross Did The Job

But It Also Provided

Proof That He Is Sovereign

Controlling Events – Undecided

He Predicted The Lamb 

Would Be Slain

The Lamb Of God

Above Chaos And Shame

The Worst Event Ever

The Crucified GodScourged

Became The Greatest Blessing

For All Not To Ignore

But Ignore We Do

We Have An Enemy

Who Has Lost It All

Yet Is Roaming In “Victory”

He Tries To Trick

Fool Us Right Now

Make Us Laugh 

At Bible Somehow

So Most Do Follow

Satan To The Grave

Few Find God

It’s Sad That Way

But God Is Life

He Is The Word,

Spirit And Life 

He Is A Sword

It Cuts To Our Heart

We Can Understand

What Really Happened

On Earth – His Plan!

More Than Conquerors

We Shall Rule and Reign

With Christ on Earth

1000 Years Someday

This Is The Future

The Bible Does Speak 

Heaven Beckons Today

If You Hear Him – Wink!

The Word Is Near

He Says Come To Me

Take My Yoke

You Will Be Free

For My Yoke Is Easy

My Burden Is Light

We Are Born Again

Upon Belief – Sight !

rKw Jr 11.04.21

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God save me at age 27 We have eternal life at moment of belief – its a supernatural event !