Acquitted Forever

Acquitted Forever

Framing The Life

We Are Governed

Our Image Reflecting

We Are Becoming

Growing and Angling

To A Certain Status

All Things Aligned

Fall Within A Pattern

Entice With A Carrot

Following Along

Our Minds Reset

As Road Wrongs

We Rise Above

Adjust And Recover

Hopefully Learn

A Little Of Another

A Little Of Self

Our Real Condition

As Great As We Are 

We Need A Rendition

A Godly Imparting

Some Additional Data

Life Is Short

What Is The Matter?

The Problem Is Sad

Yet There Is Hope

We Are Fallen Bad

Jesus Gives A Rope

We Are Subject Now

To Death Any Moment

The Future Best Planned

With Him As Our Solemn

Our Guiding Light

Our True Consultant

As Only Solace

Our Refuge Soldier

He Fights Our Battles

It Is His To Avenge

Vengeance Is Mine

The Victory Ahead

Onward Christian Soldier

You Are In A Battle

Be Brave And Courageous,

And As Strong As Joshua

Satan Accuses

The People On Earth

Blaming Them 

For Sin Unearthed

Eve Was Framed

Set Up By Satan

The Fall Came

Blamed On Adam

Satan Is Stealing

Killing And Destroying

Framing The World

For His Deploying

Do Not Be Framed

Break Out Of The Prison

It Is For Freedom We Are Set Free

By Christ Our Thanksgiving

rKw Jr 15.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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