A Vacancy Remembered

A Vacancy Remembered

Filled With Choices

The Day Does Bring

A Course To Decide

Another Fun Thing

We Hear Of Decisions

We Know Of Ideas

Career Paths Grow

From Steps In Rear

We Value Items

Glory or Gold

We Angle Our Life

To Absorb All Told

Patterns Develop

Needs Dictate

Each Year Repeats

We Don’t Escape

Eventually We Meet

A Vanishing End

Similar To The Sun

A Disappearing Bend

It’s All Over

The Deeds Done

The Plans Considered

The Life Flung

Yet Do We Realize

A Neglected Sign

Now We See

It’s All Our Kind

We Rush 

We Grab

We Relish

We Stab

The Need Emerges

Driving Our Lust

Recognized At Last

Salvation A Must

There Is No Other

Name Available

Than Jesus To Save

He Is The Incredible

We Can Believe

Credible The Witness

Resurrection Proven

In Any Court U.S.

Harvard Law Founder

Not Too Long Ago

The Resurrection Safe

The Place To Go

Jesus Is He

“I Am The Resurrection”

Come To Me Live

Eternally A Connection

Free And Love

All We Need

Jesus Is Both

Come To And See

We Ignore Jesus

Until There Is A Need

Yet He Is Still There

If A Deathbed Plead

A Choice Decided

Upon All Facts

Couple With The Need

Flash Jumping Jack

In A Flash, A Twinkle

We Will Be Gone

The Rapture A Rescue

For Those Known

To Those Not Known

Depart From Me

Even Though Begging

False Teachers Pleas

The Need Is Here

We Are Under A Cloud

The Darkness Darkest

But Jesus Is Loud

A Shout Of The Archangel

Gabriel or Michael

Will Catch Us Up To Clouds

No Darkness Of Hell

We Will Be With Him

Rule And Reign

Over Cities In Charge

Second Only To God Then

rKw Jr 10.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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