A Trick, A Pork And A Stuff

A Trick, A Pork And A Stuff

The Tricks And The Treats

Are So Cute To Be

The Best Of Them

Make Us Feel Complete

But The Foolish Tricks

We Never Do See

Come To Us

As Costumed Pleas

Stuffed With Pork

A Solution Gets Support

What’s In It For Me?

The Only Retort

Talking It Up

Gaining Steam

Placed Before

The Whole Assembly

The Evil Done

What Is Everyone Hidding?

The Bidding Swung

Here Comes Joe Biden

The Banks Opened

All Confiscation

Moneys Accrued

Laid To Manifestation

The Poor Strickened

The Jails Full

The Money Taken

Still Cannot Pay Bills

The Government Extended

The Budgets Unmanageable

The Promises Over

The Inflation Staggerable

A Nation Cannot Persist

As John Adams Said

Without Self Governing People

When The Bible Is Read

Selfishness Breeds

It Corrupts And Destroys

All For Me

Congressmen To Whore

rKw Jr 25.10.21

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