Wednesday’s Poetry: A Tale of Two Men

eiffel tower at night
Photo by Alex Azabache on

Brighter Days Are Coming

The Future Is So 

The Man With A Plan

He Looks Down Below

The Future Looks Bright

Shades The Man Of Dirt

He Is About To Go Conquering

The Peoples Of The Earth

So Bright The Future

He Has A Vision

Everyone Obeys

Or Face His Derision

Mark On Hand

To Pledge Allegiance

The Forehead Displays

Keep 6 Feet No Deviance

The Cause Of Death – Sin

It’s The Details That Matter

We Call It This Or That

Yet Never See Sin Splatter

Sin Brings Death

It Also Causes Strife

It Wrecks State Budgets

And Leaves Us Uptight

Jesus Defeated Death

He Paid Also For Sin

So When We Assent

He Gives Us The Win

Our Future Secure

He Defeats The Adversary

Upon The Brightness Of Him

The Man Of Sin – Hell or Hades ?

The Cause Of Life – Jesus

He Is The Author – Creator

He Is The King – Redeemer

And Our Confident Mediator

We May Think Our Lives Are Bright

Full Of Unlimited Potential

But Sands Of Time Slip

We End Up With No Medal

Go To Him – Now !

The Best of Times Ahead

For He Opened Heaven Up

He Is The Veil – Friend

rKw 31.03.21

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