A Snowball In Heaven

A Snowball In Heaven

“Though Our Sins Scarlet,

They Shall Be White As Snow”

Forgiven And Free

Blessedly Mistletoed

Important Standing

For We Are Flawed

Fallen And Doomed

He Excused It All

A Snowball Chance

Heaven Today

Our Standing Firm

In Christ We Sway

At The Right Hand

Jesus Stood

Stephen The First

Martyr For His Good

Jesus Did Not Sit

He Stood And Watched

Could It Be

He Does Same For Us?

In Hell Melting

Snow Not White

In Heaven Citizenship

The Snowball Bright

For We Are White

A Snowball Thrown

Into The World

From God’s Throne

Decreed And Saved

From Eternity Past

Ordained To Believe

Snowball Blast

The Blood Redeems

For All To See

Life Died, Then Rose

For Us To Be Free

The Snow Covers

Our Sin Now

We Are Saved Forever

Praising Snowballs

rKw Jr 28.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A ChristianPoet

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