A Samaritan Watered, Good And Well

A Samaritan Watered, Good And Well

The Thumb Strengthens

The Hand Grateful

The Tasks Plenty

The World Graceful

The Word Speaks

The Water Gushes

The Woman Hears

Drinks And Blushes

God Gentle

He Did Not Condemn

He Taught Her Who

Her Eyes Misread

No Need For Sorrow

No Need For Grief

Just See Who I Am

All About Belief

The Gospel Heard

The Message Believed

Just Rethinking Him

Is The Repentance Need

Don’t Confuse The Plan

Don’t Miss The Boat

The Arc of Jesus

Salvation Not Remote

Today If You Hear

The Message of Grace

All Sin Forgive

Today We Are Chaste

Married To God

Live Forevermore

Glorified in Body 

The Sin No More

But For Now We Find

Our Bodies Frail

The Sin Activates

And Renders Its Tale

But We Are Justified

Amazing Grace

Forgiven While Sinners

A Plan So Great

rKw Jr 04.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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