A Pregnant Pause

A Pregnant Pause

The Cricket Tires Not

The Sun Consumes

The Air We Breath

Great Until Noon

The Ocean Faint

Persistent The Roar

The Gull Squeeks

The Cars Tour

The Day Emerges

The Promise Here

Bad And Good

We Will Endear

The Hope of Life

It Needs To Be Stronger

Yet When Redeemed

We Are More Than Conquerors

Will A Pastor Ever

Take Up The Verse?

Frees The Saint

Tells Him His Worth

No Not Never

In Fact I’ve Seen

A Pastor Threaten

The Guest Must Leave

Yet We Are Overcomers

More Than Conquerors

We The Faithful

Are Eternally Brothers

All For A Moment

In Time We Assented

To God – His Love

Our Will Couldn’t Prevent It

Our Will Is Subject

To God Sovereignty

The Word Is Life

Impacting Man’s Virginity

Pregnant And Bearing

Eternal Life For Free

The Ultimate Advancement

The End Result Of Me

Repertoire Changed

The Eyes Opened

The Heart Loving

The Will Stokened

Be Reconciled To God

The Ambassador Shouts

One Consultation

Brings Eternity About

For One Soul Is Greater

Even Of The World

The Harvest Now Ready

For Us To Tell And Herald

Good News Today

Cross Over To Life

Just Believe His Word

You Are Forgiven Despite

Despite Your Shame

The Multitude of Cases

Despite The Accuser

Condemnation To Your Faces

For There Is No Condemnation

For Those In Christ Jesus

Forgiven Is Freedom

The Curse Now Leaves Us

Free At Last

It Is For Freedom

The Past is Past

Forgotten And Weakened

Rejoice For A Moment

Your Grief Turned To Joy

Heaven Will Wipe Away

The Tears Of Your Noise

rKw Jr 21.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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