A Historical Figure

A Historical Figure

The Meaning To It

Rolls On By 

The Life We Live

So High And Dry

The Band Plays On

Social Media Crescends

All For The Good

The One Whose Brand Wins

Achieving More

Rising Higher

Feeding The Ego

Kissing The Mirror

Self Love

The Highest Award

Self Actualization

Maslow’s Cure

The Historical Figure

We Long To Be

Aligning Values

With The Trumpets Plea

Good Looks

Tremendous Career

Singular Performance

Does It Endear?

A Vector Missed

The True Dominance

More Than A Conqueror

Any Christian’s Stance

Help Save A Soul

It’s Worth Greater

Than Anything On Earth

So Says Our Creator

rKw Jr 01.02.22

Robert William Kelly

American Poet

b 1965

born again 1993

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