A Festival of Freedom

A Festival of Freedom

The Greatest Day

We Find At Last

Is When We See

God Is A Blast

Eyes Opened

Born Again

The Spiritual Birth

Is When It Ends

The Lackluster Life

The Boredom of Now

The Days No End

Help Comes Somehow

His Creation Speaks

Yet We Are Diverted

Born Asleep

Dead In The Water

The Word Is Life

It Goes Forth Ahead

Returning To God

What He Had Planned

Sheep Given

From The Father

Jesus Toiled

For Our Wonder

Salvation Springs

A Fountain of Youth

What You Are Missing

Eternally The Scoop

Get Saved Today

The Message Simple

Yet We Ignore

God In His Temple

The Temple You

He Comes Inside

The Holy Spirit Wakens

The Flesh He Resides

A Spiritual Body 

Collectively The Church

The Worldly Witness

To Heaven’s Mirth

Prophecy Lost

How Can We Ignore ?

How Do We Sleep ?

Through Life’s Door

Education Suppressing

Supposedly Enlightens

The Deception Fierce

The Slight of Hand Weakens

A Culture of Darkness

The One We Know

Continues To Betray

The Heavenly Glow

Presented As Freedom

 The Waiting Cell of Hell

Denies The Resurrection

And Everyone Sells

Blind To Salvation

So Easy and Free

Binding To Chains

Prisoner of Captivity

It Is For Freedom

Christ Set Us Free

Securing For Us

Joy Eternally

rKw Jr 13.08.21

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