A Close, Personal Friend

A Close, Personal Friend

The Hand Of God

Touches Us

The Eye Of God 

Sees Us

Never Alone

Angels At Call

We Are Loved

Guardians Tall

His Forever

Eternally Free

Just For A Moment

We Think Misery

We Are Not Lost

We Are Not Alone

We Are His Soldiers

Coming On Home

A Victory March

More Than Conquerors

Preachers Skip

The Verses Encourage

They Aim And Target

The Church Itself

Instead of Equipping

For Something Else

We Become Oblivous

It Is So Common

Condemning The Bride

The Pastoral Omen

Pastors Are Vital

They Are Dearly Needed

But If Bought Off

Dangerously Heeding

For Four Generations

We Are Flatfooted

Milquetoast And Taciturn

Caught Pussyfooting

Never Encouraged

To Take A Stand

But Rather Timidly

Go Through The Land

Show And Shut 

Just Appear 

Fit In Nicely

Hell Disappears

Yet We Are Called

To Be Salt And Light

Get Involved Preserve

In God’s Holy Sight

He Will Avenge

He Will Come

He Will Destroy

All Against Him

The Whole World

Is Fooled Into A Mode

Thinking Selfishly

The Only Road

Jesus Is The Way

The Entry To Heaven

He Is The Door

The Narrow Way In

Once Entered

A Moment Of Faith

Eternally Given

The Holy Spirit Mates

I Am With You Always

When You Are Weak – Strong

At Moment of Death

The Resurrection Sprung!

rKw Jr 10.12.21

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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