A Child Is Woke

woman with blue hair
Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com
woman leaning on table
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Hurt By Santa

We Never Resolved

The Pain Subverted

We Never Call

Afraid And Hurt

The Subconscious Mind

We Won’t Consider 

If God Is Fine

We Think It’s A Fake

Or At Best A Lie

We Move Off Away

Too Risky A Try

Every Kid I Know

Never Truly Overcame

The Trick By Satan

That Santa Is Fame

As A Result

We Never Waken

To See God Is Real

Don’t Be Mistaken

There Is Still Time

I Know It’s A Joke

Santa Fooled Us

We Should Be Woke

Awoke Is The Right Term

It Details Our Sleep 

But Born Again The Word

To Describe Us Deep

We Are Dead Spiritually

Need To Be Awaken

Woke If You Will

Spiritually Taken

You Are His Now

Spoken For Today

We Are More In God

Than Conquerors – So Pray

Thank You God

For Seeing Our Plight

Stepping Into Die

Giving Us New Life

Woke Is A Joke

If You Are Not Saved

For Your Oblivious

To God’s Rule Today

Many Tricks Are Tossed

Your Way To Steal

Your Life To Satan –

Santa, The First Ordeal

To Consider It Now

Everyone Laughs

That’s Why People Die

In Satan’s Lap

For They Run Away

From God Now

Because They Fear

Hidden Pain – Somehow

They Don’t Even Realize

How Their Psyche Works

Santa Is The Biggest Deal

A Kid – Young – Hurt

Two Things Going On

The Youngness Of Age

Together With God

It’s The Biggest Stage

Wracked With Turmoil

The Damage Done

Cannot Consult Friends

Parents Or Siblings – Spun

They Mock And Laugh

When We First Question

Santa Is Not Real?

We Hide Our Confession

The Peer Group – Eviscerated

Authority Group – Usurped

The Babe In The Woods

Has No Where To Burp

Eventually He Grows

Never Drawing Near

To God Ever Again

The Plow And The Field

For Santa Is A Symbol

Of A Godlike Figure

A Child Sits – Wonders

All Day He Configures

A Day To A Child

Is Longer Than For Us

He Ponders Deeply

Santa Gains His Trust

He Rewards Those Good

Coming Back Soon

Ain’t That Similar

To Jesus – A Cartoon?

Santa Coincides

Actually Overtakes

Jesus The King

Oh Do We Mistake

Why Not Honor 

Jesus Instead?

Then We All Live

The Woke Never Dead

The Damage Greater

Than What We Realize

Kids Are Tormented

In A Vacuum – Cry

He Has Been Plowed

His Field Been Sowed

Only A Miracle 

Can Save His Soul

The Word Is Life

It Cuts Through The Haze

Saving The Lost

Call On Him Today

The Word Is Flesh

It Speaks The Truth

Tells Us We Are Dead

But In Him –  New Suits

White Robes Are Awaiting

All Who Are Woke

Born Again Believing

Jesus Is Hope

rKw Jr 04.14.21

Robert Kelly Circa de 2015

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