A Better Pastime

A Better Pastime

The Days Spill

The Time Wastes

The Calendar Hurries

The Years Make Haste

Redeeming Time

Finding Activities

Stimulating the Mind

Enriching The Festivities

We Play A Game

Watch A Sport

Grab Some Lunch

Freedom Reports

Time We Have

Work Surrounds

The Clock Our Friend

Until Duty Calls

Artist’s Create

Inspired By A Hat

Dropped Here And There

Right In The Lap

The Voids Still Empty

The Need Greater

The Soul Of Man

Hungers And Craters

What Can Fill?

Everything Tried

Hollywood Gasps

The Bible I Spy

The Pages Speak

Authority And Experience

The History Itself

Brings Tears of Endearment

Our Lives Targeted 

Our Souls Wanted

The Life Warranted

The Word Taunting

It Speaks 

It Gives Life

It Shows 

It Delights









The Most Worthy

Active Pursuit

Time Passed Better

Than Any Root

Why Spend Life

Cheering For Teams

Why Ignore God

His Beautiful Dream

Dream Coming True

Salvation The Gift

The Eternity Is Now

All To Receive Quick

Believe Now

Receive Your Place

Secured Fully

Redemption’s Stake

Consider The Pages

Shows So Much

Honest Depictions

Of The Human Thrust

God Is Shown

Sovereign Above

He Works Through

Human Disgust

Showing He Is Good

And Above All Evil

He Redeems Mankind

A Step For All People

David A Sinner

Murderer And Adulterer

If Bible False 

Such Would Be Hidden

Similarly The Line Depicts

Many Sinful Men

All In The Line 

Of Jesus The God Man

Lot and His Daughters

Produced A Child

Who Would Become Moab

Ruth As A Bride

Jacob and Tamor

A Trick Played 

The Harlot Vield

The Baby Came

Perez In The Line

Of King David Then Jesus

The Illicit Act Flown

Yet God Still Is Seen

Above The Chaos

God Means For Good

Surely He Is Love

Why Is He Misunderstood?

rKw Jr 23.10.21

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