A Beached Life

A Beached Life

Beach The Respite

We Angle And Find

Fun, Frivolity

Inconspicuously Fine

Arbitrary and Capricious

The Weather Dictates

Grey Lady Summons

The Sea Birds Today

All We Imagine

Yet What Do We See

Sand Irritating,

Sun Burning Degree

People Asunder

Yet Miles Away

Eyes Cannot Glance

Our Hearts Decay

Water Cold

We Find No Refuge

Hunger Strikes

The Beach Deluge

Wave After Wave

What Happened To Us

Fun At Fingertips

The Comfort Repulsed

Life Much The Same

We Have Much Promise

But Elements Emanate

Death’s Inevitable Premise

rKw Jr 29.07.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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