911 To God

911 To God

Lifted Covering

No Protection

The Land Cursed

But Had Connection

We Had A God

We Acknowledge Him

We Prayed Each Day

The Life We Lived

Fearing God

A Good Thing

Knowing He

Is Above Everything

We Started To Sway

A Departure In Pride

We Thought So Smart

Didn’t Need This Guy

He Is The Creator

He Is The Only God

He Is Our Refuge

From Satan’s Prod

Satan Whispers

We Don’t Really Need

We Are “gods

We Are Stars To See

We Turned Our Back

America The Great

Struck School Prayer

Bible Schooling Gyrate

Why Teach Kids

About God’s Commandments?

They May Obey 

Get Saved From Abandonment

The Grave Beckons

Death Imminent

Education Starts

With Godly Amazement

Amazed At Creation

Einstein Declared

Two Ways To See Life

A Miracle or Despair

On 11 of September

An Unpleasant Reminder

Yet God Still Is Hear

His Arms The Rejoiner

Rethinking God

Is The Memorial

We Do Need Him

Before, After Our Burial

rKw Jr 10.09.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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