Some days We think our lives are so bright...We have a bright future...We Do - But Its in Christ where It is Fulfilled because sin causes our eventual or imminent death
We Create Families with what we think is love yet avoid God who is love. This is both our fault and secular educations fault, both under the sway of satan. Poem is from this perspective
This Poem - Inspiration Title came to me first...Then I just started writing - play on words with affair...multilevel metaphor in play...does anyone else use this device ? Am I the only one ? Did I invent it ? Send me an…
Inspiration was sudden as i started to type. As I typed i remember thoughts that came to me earlier today. This Poem Is From Ideas of Gospel unheard from everywhere yet being the one thing everyone needs to hear..Poem was written in early morning of Wednesday March 24 between 2 am and 330 am...
Todays poem comes from my life impressions for today…i was thinking about problems we have then i thought about big problems we have…comparing the tedious everyday looking for a pen or my glasses with salvation and finding meaning and satisfaction in life here now and lasting eternally… God answers all three…
Blood and Love A Poem Written in Late March 2021 Inspiration was sudden as usual - Title Came at end as usual. Ending I think is neat. Hits on true feelings of despair and pain over memories. Review Your Life It's Been…