The Amazing symmetry of God shows his ability to be sovereign over sin and salvation. The story of abraham and isaac and jesus resurrection and our faith have amazing points of symmetry
We can find so many blessing each time we read the bible for me yesterday it was when I read about the church of laodicea and I usually have my guard up when I read it yet this time it spoke directly to how I need Jesus to cover my shame
I Find it interesting that the gospel is really the only message continually mocked in the world today. Why is that? Why not mock someone other that Jesus?
We need Godly spiritual nutrition from the Word of God to set us free and help us live healthy and give us identity purpose and eternal and spiritual life.
What is the greater purpose to live other than survival and having a good time? We need to be true to ourself and keep searching until we find the artist
We Need to Scale Forward And Backward Backward And Forward Present To Future Strip Down Our Affiliations Our Styles and Schools Our Trades And Bands Our Teams as Fools All Memberships Lost All Meaningless Chips No Eternal Life No Eternal Significance We Identify Quickly…
We need God to rectify the dangers of this world yet we have been trained not to read about God, not to trust the Bible and not to think God's thoughts after him. We need to gently reconsider ..