We are confused when it comes time to really understand the hebrew calender 70% of time it is incorrect, this year falls into that category. The rapture may occur as a result unexpectantly on october 7
We Are Under The Sway of satan, He is playing Us. He appears as true yet is not true. This is what makes him deceptive. The whole world is under his sway, he is the god of this age. Beware of satan, he is already defeated, the blood of Jesus is against him. The rapture will rescue us from the day of evil coming soon. So take heart!
Education has gone off the cliff like a out of control bus - long since eschewing bible stories it resorts to disturbing imagery by disturbed writers. How fall we have falled
The emergent church has mixed up the mission of the church. Instead of sharing gospel the idea is to solve social justice problems and make life better - yet the world is dying and they are not hearing the gospel.
Rock has always been a way to bring evil into the minds of people so that when they think they are compromised. Lennon, Hendrix and Bowie admitted to this deception in John Blanchard Book